Are you struggling to find answers when it comes to your hormone health? Are you fighting chronic fatigue, heavy and painful periods, skin issues, or GI disturbances - all while you're being told that everything looks just fine? This was me, too. I struggled for years until I decided to take my hormone health into my own hands. I've turned my years of research and knowledge into easily digestible resources just for you!

Browse the resources that I offer to find something that works best for your lifestyle and budget.

"I seriously am SO GRATEFUL FOR YOU!!!!!! Incorporated my first bit of hormone healing tips into my lifestyle and I already feel the benefits. It was so easy & practical. My life is changed!"

- LW

Hi, I’m Dr. Erin!

I'm a chiropractor and holistic hormone wellness coach!

Years ago I was struggling with my hormone health. I was met with eczema on my face, painful ovulation, debilitating cramps, GI issues, never ending exhaustion, and heavy cycles. I knew deep down, this wasn't normal.

My search for answers led me down the conventional medical route which ultimately left me high and dry. So, I took matters into my own hands.

This led me to dig into the rabbit hole that is the world of hormone health. Through years of research and learning, I was able to heal my hormones and get my life back. I made it my mission to help other women do the same! I know how overwhelming all of this can be - and because of that, these resources were born!

Comprehensive, easy-to-digest, implementable resources of everything I learned to create a foundation for health, created with you in mind.